Friday 18 March 2011

Welcome Home Grais!!

So I've been naughty and purchased from the marketplace a little Dollinian Tiny.

I've decided to call her Little Grais...She's the daughter of Lady and Earl Grey (yes as in the Tea Brands) and she is my little Tea Fairy, making sure that I have all the Tea I want, and makes sure I never run out of Tea Bags.

She's wholey separate from Lucille and Claves's story, she's just a little cutie I have to play with and spoil rotten ^_^

Sunday 27 February 2011

So excited!

Have been on the Angel-Unlimited site for a while now, it's such a lovely community ^__^

I've also been buying some outfits and things for the arrival of my boy, who won't be here until end of march/beginning of april time!

I'm going to be starting a pen pal between my doll and theirs, I'm quite excited by these new friends, going to make some dolly jewellry to send :3

Sunday 6 February 2011

Cheque Clearing Doll Buying!

Yes! Some money had come my way! I'm buying my first bjd doll THIS WEEK! wooooo~!

He should arrive around March/April time, with any luck :3 oh I simply cannot wait, shall have to fill my time watching box openings and joining angel unlimited forums!

:3 totally excited y'all x

Friday 4 February 2011

Slight Change In Plan O_O

I have found Blanca's music teacher! A doll family type-h! ON SALE! So unfortunately, Blanca ver.2 will not be my first doll. Instead it shall be Xiangyi, who will be ordered this week! Eeee~ I'm so excited!

It's going to take forever for him to come though! Especially as they won't ship him until 20 days after payment is received! D'oh!

But with that, I feel like joining the angel doll lot :3

Hope to post my dolls full stories soon!
Later x

Thursday 20 January 2011

Money Money Money

"Hey Everyone"

I love how pretty much every box opening I have seen on youtube starts this way.

So currently I'm making plans on making a quick buck in order to buy Claves (Dikadoll Blanca) I am planning on selling my artwork on Ebay, and seeing how that pans out. I have been drawing manga for abut five years now, so I thought why not utilise this talent to try and make a few pounds.

I also aim to start a video blog on youtube soon, I feel a little apprehensive of getting an angel unlimited account just yet as I haven't owned or ordered a BJD yet, so I'm going to start on youtube to meet some of the community that way first. =3

Wish me luck hehe

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Hello Everyone! BJD Fan Here!

Hello There =3

I am a new BJD addict!

I currently do not own a BJD, but I have found the one I want! She is a Dikadoll Blanca ver.2 and she is perfect!

Unfortunately though, I have some money to save up for her. So here starts my blog, some events that occur on my run up to buying Blanca.

I plan on buying her with face-up but without her wig or clothes. That comes to £168 plus £10 shipping.
I am looking for an outfit and wig currently and believe I have found the perfect dress on for $21 (yes dollars).

I have been reading the Angel-Unlimited forums but have not signed up as of yet. I cannot wait to buy Blanca, but am resisting spending money I don't have, hehe!